This weekend, Taylor and I spent almost 8 hours finishing this up! And it turned out soo amazing!! So here it is... A weekly poster board for her room!

I opened all of my drawers and boxes of scrap stuff and showed her some scrapbooks and we went to work!

First, we took posterboard and painted it our background color and then took a contrasting color and added 'spots' on the edges. Taylor is a girly girl so she of course chose pink with a darker pink background.
And to give them a bit of sparkle, she added dots of the pink glitter to the star pattern.

We finished the weekend days by adding embossed titles of the days. (She did them all!!) She embossed on white and then took a pink ink pad and briefly touched the edges. Then added it to a sparkley background paper and pinned them onto the cork board with brads. She cut out a dino from the Cricut and added him with a sparkley eye and a bow using the remaining ribbon.

For the weekdays, she wanted a more easy-going look. She made the titles the same way using different embossing powder and background paper. In between a few of the days, she wanted to add color with some flowers and buttons.

To the right, she found a sticker sheet with different words and wanted to use them somehow. So we cut the sheet to size and she took a white pen and outlined words that ment something to her in one way or another. She found a pink square and the charms and wanted to tie them together, so we found some pink ribbon and added the ME chipboard. She had to paint the letters black and then add the Stickles so that they would 'go' with her theme. On the left, are two pockets that she wanted to put sheets of note paper in. So we found some rubons and plopped them on and edged the sides with pink, and sewed a little bit on the bottom.
All together, she did most of the work, but it helped me get back into things as well!!!
I will get a picture up soon of the

Happy Scrapping!!