A new year brings a new start to things. Originally, I wanted to start this blog to create my own pages and sketches… Hence the name of the blog “Sketch this”. But I have come to realize…I am no good at sketching. And I find that when I do come up with a sketch, I overthink it so my page either comes out looking nothing like the sketch, or too literal.
So I have decided to change the name to something that is more accurate to what I want to blog about. Mainly, I want to share what I learn from others, promote sites that inspire my pages, and…well…have fun doing it!
Currently I am cleaning my scrap area so that I can start anew in the next few weeks! I hate to admit that I have not scraped a page in over three months. L boo.. I didn’t even make cards for Christmas
On another note, my camera went Klapoowii. It now only works in the upside down position and the controls won’t function. The back story: During cheer this past season, I had the camera on a tripod and some of the girls got squirrely and knocked it over. When I picked it up, something inside had come loose and you could hear it sliding inside. It takes orange pictures…blah…so currently, I am without camera. But alas, I have a plan! I am looking at new cameras and
And to get back into the swing of things, I created a small bucket list of things that I would like to accomplish and an amount of time that I would like to get them done. A very good friend of mine would then call them ‘goals’…I will list them in the next few days!!